How Do We Help Shift Workers And First Responders?

The Centre for Sleep & Human Performance has created the most comprehensive and specialized sleep disorder and occupational fatigue management program in Canada and is used by law enforcement agencies, first responder professions, and the Canadian Armed Forces. Dr. Samuels is the leading expert in this area in Canada and has trained his physicians and behavioural sleep medicine specialists to facilitate a broad range of treatment strategies for shift-workers and first responders. The program is available to all Canadian workers and accessible via referral from your primary care provider or through self referral.

Find Relief With Our Team Of Experts

Our specialized team is here to help you get better sleep. Find real solutions to sleep problems caused by shift work.

RCMP Fatigue Management Program

We offer a unique program specially designed for members of the RCMP. Register for free today.

Common Shift Work Related Sleep Problems

Shift Work Sleep Disorder

Shiftwork sleep disorder is a circadian sleep disorder in which a person experiences a constant or recurrent pattern of sleep interruption due to a shift work schedule, resulting in difficulties initiating and maintaining sleep and/or excessive sleepiness when awake. 


Fatigue can be caused by extended-duty hours, night work, lack of rest, or circadian disruption and degrades cognitive performance, impairing the parts of the brain that are most important for making sound judgments and deciding on appropriate courses of action.

About The Program

Our sleep physicians and behavioural sleep medicine specialists who are trained in shift work will assist you in optimizing your sleep. Our program has two prongs:

Under this practice you’ll work with one of our specialists to build healthy strategies, including how to:

  • Avoid extended work hours 
  • Calculate your napping and sleep needs
  • Maximize sleep
  • Learn strategic napping 
  • Minimize sleep interruptions
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Under this practice you’ll work with one of our specialists to learn ways to stabilize your circadian rhythm, including how to:

  • Use strategic timing of light/dark exposure, melatonin, meals, and physical activity 
  • Use strategic medication for sleep and to promote alertness when necessary
  • Adopt a pre-sleep routine to helps decrease hyperarousal, worry, and racing thoughts at bedtime 
  • Successfully transition from through your shifts and days off
  • Learn to manage and set realistic expectations about your sleep: sleep can be impacted by the type of shift work, i.e., all nights or a combination of nights, evenings, or day shifts

Better your life with better sleep. Talk to our team to learn more about how our experts can help.