The Centre for Sleep and Human Performance owns and operates this website, referred to as “this website”:
This website respects the privacy of our employees, our suppliers and our patients and ensures that the personal information we collect remains secure and protected. There are times where personal information must be shared with an interested third party. In such circumstances, this website will not release any personal information without first advising of its intended use and obtaining the permission to do so from the affected individual.
We do not automatically gather any personal information from you, such as your name, phone number, email, or address. This information is only obtained if you supply it voluntarily, usually through contacting us via email or registering in a secure portion of the site. By choosing to provide us with your Personal Information, you are consenting to its use in accordance with the principles outlined in this Privacy Policy and as outlined at the time you are asked to provide any Personal Information.
Any personal information provided to the Centre for Sleep and Human Performance is managed in accordance with the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPED Act. As such when information is collected, you will be informed that your personal information is being collected, the purpose for which it is being collected and that you have a right of access to the information.
This website has set mandatory retention time limits based on Provincial Employment and Labour Standards and third party suppliers are instructed to follow the same guidelines. Appropriate safeguards relevant to the sensitivity of the information will be employed.
As with most web servers on the Internet, this website’ servers maintain access logs that record web browser activity. These logs associate an Internet Protocol (IP) address with each request for content from the servers.
When you visit this web site, our web server automatically collects a limited amount of standard information essential to the operation and evaluation of the web site. This information includes:
- the page from which you arrived,
- the date and time of your page request,
- the IP address your computer is using to receive information,
- the type and version of your browser, and
- the name and size of the file you request.
This information helps us assess our information services and is used only for this purpose. It is collected in compliance with section 33 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.
This information is collected to ensure our information is useful to visitors, to learn about the number of visitors to our site. We do not track information about individuals and their visit. We will not identify users or their browsing activities, except as required by a law or if we are compelled to produce this information for a legal proceeding.
For security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, this computer system employs software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage.
Our web servers utilize “cookie” technology. During a cookie transaction, a web server will hand a web browser some data prescribed by the web site’s developers. The web browser will return that data with its next request for content from the web site. Using this technology, it is possible for an application running on a web server to distinguish one web browser’s activity from another.
In all cases, the cookie data this website’ web servers may hand your browser contain only “session” identifying information. No other personal information is passed to your browser, where it may be stored on your own computer.
Cookie-related data is not permanently stored on this website’ web servers. Information stored temporarily in our cookie collection never includes a visitor’s name or address or sensitive data.
Further, this website does not match for its records any session-identifying cookie information with the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses described above in the information on monitoring Web-Site Traffic.
This website is committed to the security of personal information it may collect online or offline. this website has taken reasonable precautions to protect this personal information from loss, misuse or alteration. Any third parties who may have roles in managing such information on behalf of this website are also committed to the same principles.
This website includes links to web pages or sites operated by third parties. We are not responsible for the content and the privacy practices of other websites and encourage you to examine each site’s privacy policy to make your own decisions regarding the accuracy, reliability and correctness of material and information found.
For questions or comments regarding this public website privacy statement please contact us by email: